Only Time Tells – February 24, 2020

Nobody told me

Nobody took the time to sit with me

And whisper the secret

In my ear

That she will stand

Beside me forever

6 thoughts on “Only Time Tells – February 24, 2020

  1. Oh, did I forget to tell you this? I wasn’t then, but I’m telling you now for good. It is energy and chemistry and energy and chemistry will never cease to be.
    And I couldn’t comment on your previous post, about the grass the dirty knees, aw, incredible. 🌺

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    1. What a beautiful thing to read first thing this morning! Energy and chemistry, I love this visual ♥️. I think I’ve always known this, it has just been difficult to put her in a different place. I want you to know through your art and words you have played a beautiful part in my healing. You showed me even though we are not physically connected, a connection can exist.

      Thank you so very much, Olga. You’ve made my day!

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