Flush – April 11, 2022

I want you to hear me

You are amazing

I didn’t even know it

When you landed in my lap

I was and am the broken one

But a single person can only contain so much

And I live in constant fear

You are going to notice

To realize


I am no better

Than the shit you flush down the toilet

17 thoughts on “Flush – April 11, 2022

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I think we all have moments we feel lesser than. Moments are fleeting. I came across this one this morning, forgetting why I named it flush, got to the end and it made me chuckle…felt vulnerable…and thought I’d share it with you. 😊

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      1. I hear you. I am learning, the way in which we each interpret words can be vastly different. I am safe, and I hope you are as well. Thank you so much for reaching out. You are making a difference! Hugs 🤗

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  1. Again, I thought of you this morning, of how good you made me feel with myself. I thought too how it would be if I didn’t live so far from your place, would I be able to share a coffee moment with you and share good literary times or of any other kind? I now read this post of yours. What are the odds that I think of you as a positive contribution to this little world of words and feelings before I get to read those last lines in your poem? Even if we stopped hearing from each other in this little world, just know that you have been much valued.🌻💚

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    1. This makes my heart so happy. I would love so much to share a coffee and talk about it all with you! And thank you for holding me up, saying you think of me as a positive contribution to this little world of words and feelings.

      This piece was from a moment, in life, I felt lesser than (lucky enough I know that moments come and they go). What I am learning now is that it is okay to acknowledge those moments. Feel them, do something/or not, and let them go on their way.

      My hope is that we never lose touch. Distance to me has no meaning. Please know that you are valued too, and the imprint you have left will not fade. 🤗❤️

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      1. Yes, I agree with you. I do believe that literature should serve to every kind of feeling, emotion or thought. I love to read some truthful words about life as It is, with its ups and downs. It’s the only way to connect with yourself and others. I have always loved your lines for that. Much love🌿💚

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